Homeowners’ Meeting Summary

24 February 2020

Dear Fellow Homeowners,

We are pleased to inform you that our Townhomes’ By-Laws and Rules & Regulations were approved by a majority of the unit owners in the meeting held last February 22, 2020.

The salient features/changes to both our By-Laws and the Rules and Regulations are as follows:
1. Any unpaid association dues/special assessment shall incur an interest of 2% per month. For the purpose of computing this interest, a portion of a month shall be considered as one whole month.
2. Speed limit of cars inside the townhomes premises shall not exceed 10kph.
3. Vehicles of Unit owners shall always be parked in the unit’s respective garage. Parked vehicles shall not protrude more than 60cm (2feet) from the unit’s property line.
4. Vehicles of all visitors / Visitor’s parking area:
a) They are not allowed to park in the inside road AT ALL TIMES.
b) They are only allowed to park in the visitor’s parking area. However, they may not park more than 8 hours in a day; nor are they allowed to park anytime from 12midnight until 5am (considered as overnight parking)
c) They may be allowed to drive thru the inside road for the sole purpose of dropping off or picking up people/things.
5. Since our swimming pool has no lifeguards, children sixteen (16) years old and below are not allowed in the swimming pools unless accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.
6. Every week, the pool shall be closed for one (1) day for general cleaning (at the moment and until further notice, this will be every Tuesday of the week).
7. As a general rule, household helps and drivers are not allowed to use the swimming pool.
8. Household helps are not allowed to loiter in the common area (especially in the pool area) from 10pm until 5am.
9. The “single family, one dwelling” provision has been modified to read, “The unit shall be used by a family. Should the occupants of a unit be unrelated to each other by blood or affinity, prior permission from the Board has to be obtained. ”.
10. Work that is not considered Major Renovation shall be considered Minor Renovation. Generally, minor work does not need any clearance from the Association; however, any minor renovation that will require more than 5 days of work shall require a work permit but do not need the posting of any bond.
11. No worker/”katiwala” is/are allowed to stay inside the unit being renovated beyond the construction time (in short, no stay-in allowed).
12. No noisy work allowed on Saturdays from 8:30am until 10:00am
13. NO WORK allowed on Sundays and holidays.
14. In accordance with prevailing laws, each resident is encouraged to practice the segregation of trash. Wet garbage should be placed inside plastic bags which should be securely tied. Garbage containers should be kept inside the lot of the residents (and not in the common area/road).
15. To help the guards identify the cars of unit owners, we shall implement a car sticker system soon.
16. Although the security guard will still require clearance before allowing househelpers to go out (either calling thru authorized telephone numbers or gate pass issued by unit owner), it is still the primary responsibility of the resident to perform their own inspection for any items, bags or packages that are brought out by their household employees.
17. All household helpers, drivers, nannies, etc. must wear appropriate and decent attire when outside the premises of their employer’s unit (we have received some observations that some household helper walk around the common area wearing very short and revealing attires).

Should you wish to see the full text of our By-Laws and Rules & Regulations, please click here.

Hoping for all the unit owner’s full cooperation in the observance and implementation of the recently approved By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of our townhomes.

Very truly yours,
For the Board of Directors
Issaya Premier


Frequently Asked Questions on 2020 Association Dues

Click here for a PDF version of this post

Summary of Voting Results

The results of the recently concluded voting exercise on the 2020 Association Dues are as follows:

In favor of the increase to P 5,100              – 24 votes
Against the increase to P5,100                    – 5 votes
Abstain                                                         – 3 votes

Result: Given that a majority of Homeowners voted in favor, the proposal to increase the Association Dues to P5,100 is passed.

What are the Association Dues for 2020?

The Association Dues for 2020 is set at PHP 5,100 (monthly) or PHP 58,140 (Annual Payment with 5% discount).

How and when will I pay for my Dues?

You will receive a Statement of Account in January 2020 with instructions on how to pay. If you have already paid in advance using the old dues, a computation/breakdown will also be provided for the difference.

If you also wish your statement to be emailed, please update your records at:  http://issayapremier.com/homeowner-contact-details/

Why are the Annual dues increasing?

Annual Dues are rising mainly due to the increase of Security Guard costs. During the Homeowners’ meeting held last November 29, a near majority of Homeowners present voted to increase the number of guards from 2 to 4.

How much are we paying for the Security Guards?

We are paying an average cost per security guard of P25,000 / month for 4 guards (2 guards per shift). This results in a monthly cost of P100,000 per month, and accounts for around two-thirds of the monthly dues.

For reference, the Philippine Association of Detective & Protective Agency Operations (PADPAO) suggests a minimum contract rate of around PHP 40,000 per month for a 12 hour workday, inclusive of minimum wage, Cost of Living Allowance (COLA), Night Differential, Uniform Allowance (under R.A. 5487), Overtime Pay, Retirement Benefits (under R.A. 7641), SSS, Philhealth, Pag-ibig, and Agency Fees.

What if there are unforeseen emergencies or critical improvement projects that require more money?

For non-recurring expenses exceeding the emergency funds on hand, the Board will need to seek Homeowner approval for any special assessment.

How do the new Dues compare to other similarly sized townhouse developments?

Development                       # Units                   Monthly Dues        

Alvendia (V. Cruz St.)           28 Units                 ~P 10,000
Issaya Premier                     32 Units                  ~P 5,100
Green Haven                        52 Units                  ~P 3,500 (+600 street parking)
(Source: Informal polling)

Alvendia appears to be the most comparable development in terms of location, density, and amenities. We acknowledge that each townhouse development will have its own unique characteristics, so it is not always easy to make an apples-to-apples comparison.

Can we not get cheaper suppliers?

While the Board will always strive to minimize costs, it also recognizes that the cheapest option is not always the best, and may in fact end up costing more in the long run.

For example, engaging a much cheaper security agency raises questions around whether the agency is paying within the parameters set by law, and also raises questions on the quality of guards (education, experience, licensing, training, etc.), as qualified guards would no doubt demand to be compensated within the legal limit.

In addition, suppliers will be regularly evaluated, and if necessary, changed, to ensure that the Association receives the best value for its money. No supplier shall be contracted for a period exceeding 1 year without Homeowner approval.

For example, the pool and garden maintenance supplier was inherited from the Developer. We are currently studying how best to reduce this cost. Should any Homeowner have suggestions or experience in these matters, we are more than willing to hear their suggestions. You can email suggestions to: officers@issayapremier.com

I do not occupy my property / there are only a few people living in my property, why do I need to pay the same as everyone else?

Similar to Real Property Taxes, which are levied regardless of occupancy, Association Dues are also collected from all Homeowners, regardless of whether or not his/her unit is occupied, and regardless of how many people are living there.

In addition, the Dues are equally divided among 32 townhouses, as the unit sizes across all townhouses are similar, and it is administratively simpler to implement.

Lastly, one or more Units combined to form a larger house shall, for the purposes of Association Dues, be treated as separate Units.

How much of the Dues go to compensating the time and effort of the Board?

The Board is not compensated.

Experimental Traffic Flow

Circular 02-2019

RE: Experimental Traffic Flow

Dear Homeowners,

Starting January 2020, we shall be implementing the traffic scheme outlined below. This is mainly in response to requests from some of the Homeowners, particularly those located further inside the subdivision, who have difficulty exiting their garage in a counterclockwise direction due to the shape of their lot relative to the main driveway.

The traffic flow will be re-evaluated after the trial period ends.

In the meantime, we request all Homeowners to follow the flow, and provide any feedback to officers@issayapremier.com.


The Board of Directors

Issaya Premier


2020 Association Dues Voting Results

Dear Neighbors,

We are happy to report that the increase in the association dues starting 2020 was approved by a majority of the homeowners.

There were a total of 29 units that cast votes and 3 units that abstained. We had a total of 24 YES votes and 5 NO votes.

To those who did not agree to the increase but aired their concerns, the Board will take these into consideration and hopefully be able to address your valid concerns. Once again, thank you for your support and cooperation.

The Issaya Premier Board